
Matrona Ministries offers retreats at the parish level. Mr. Karos has led numerous men’s, youth, family, and parish retreats.

Retreats are held for a day or weekend at either your parish or a remote retreat center location. These retreats use presentations and small group discussions designed to create an interactive learning and growth environment aimed to increase self-knowledge and Orthodox Faith.

We currently offer three retreats:

  1. Foundation and Pillars of Life.
    Taking a foundation in Christ approach, this retreat provides a chance for participants to take inventory on their life and explore the various elements that comprise it. The Foundations and Pillars Inventory found on this website will be used.  We will discuss how the liturgical, sacramental, ascetical, and communal life of the Church is part of our life’s foundation. We will also look at various pillars of life such as work, marriage, health, friendships, etc., from an Orthodox perspective. All age groups benefit from this retreat.
  2. Passions and Virtues.
    We explore the topic of passions and virtues from an Orthodox perspective relevant to daily life in contemporary culture. We will look at the Church as a hospital, healing our passions with virtues and the journey to Christ-likeness.  The Passions and Virtues Inventory will be used. The inventory gives each participant an opportunity to explore various passions in their life that may need attention.  For many participants, it will be an introduction to the passions and virtues for the first time. This retreat targets ages high school and above.
  3. Vocation from an Orthodox perspective.
    This retreat looks at our work from an Orthodox viewpoint. We explore what role work plays in our lives. We also look at contemporary issues relating to our work. If time permits, participants will also explore their God-given giftedness. This retreat is especially helpful for young adults, but also for working people as well.

Matrona Ministries asks your parish to donate to one of three Orthodox Christian ministries as payment for your retreat.  The amount is left up to each parish to determine based on their financial ability. The three ministries are MEOCCA, FOCUS of Minnesota or IOCC.  Travel and lodging expenses for the speaker should be covered by the parish.

If you would like to learn more about Mr. Karos’ background or examples of prior retreats he has led, go to (about Matrona Ministries link).

If you would like to discuss the possibility of hosting a retreat, please contact me.